Saturday, August 31, 2024


 I'm at the age of majority now. ;)  Unless it's in dog years, then I'm really 126 years old.

Not much has changed since a year ago. I'm logging into SL just to spend time with Wolfgang or to shop the weekend sales.

I'm still going through chemo irl, although I'll be going through CAR T-cell therapy; T-cell collection happens next week.

I'm still with Wolfgang. He talks about his addiction to me. :D  Of course, we're restructuring our relationship again.

I lost my RL job last December and had a hard time looking for another job. It's just as well. I get so exhausted from the chemo anyway; my 100% is a whole lot less than my usual, so I wouldn't be able to give them what they pay for.

Also, I'm starting to think of how I would want my will executor to deal with my Second Life assets and businesses.

That said, I'll be in SL for as long as I can.  :)


 I'm at the age of majority now. ;)  Unless it's in dog years, then I'm really 126 years old. Not much has changed since a year ...